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Moving home checklist

Help yourself get organized for your move with this Moving Home Checklist
4 weeks

If required, book a professional removal company to help you move.

If you are taking your white goods with you book a reliable service firm to prepare them for the move.

Sort through all your belongings and sell or give away any unwanted items.

Start collecting plenty of boxes (if the removal company don't provide them) to transport your belongings.

Inform all service providers of your change of address, including utility companies, TV license, DVLA, credit cards etc.

3 weeks

Start packing and label boxes clearly.

Start taking down any fitted items that are coming with you (e.g. shelving and pictures etc).

If you have any pets arrange a home for them on the day of the move.

Start using up any frozen food and buy small supplies until you move.

2 weeks

Return any borrowed items, such as library books etc.

Cancel deliveries of newspapers, milk etc.

Organise your plants for the move and make sure they all have proper tubs to transport them in.

1 week

If necessary, defrost and clean the fridge and freezer so it is ready for the move.

Pack a box of personal items that will be needed immediately at your new home (e.g. light bulbs, toiletries, kettle etc).

Contact your removal company to confirm their arrival time and notify them of any last minute details.

Moving-out day

Organise and set aside any items that you are taking with you so that they don't get loaded on the van by mistake.

Disconnect everything from your old property, write down your meter readings and inform your utility companies.

Strip beds and pack bedding.

Before leaving, double check you haven't left anything behind.

Check all windows are closed and doors locked.

Hand keys into the estate agent.

Collect the keys for your new property from Fresh Estate's office.
01582 967073
1 London Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3UE

'Estate Agent, builder, for, luton, dunstable, harpenden, st albans, hitchin, watford, hemel hempstead, letchworth, milton keynes, hertfordshire, bedfordshire, north london'


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